The Hartford Bridge Club welcomes bridge players of ALL levels, as well as people who haven’t yet learned how to play bridge. We offer lessons, from time to time, at various levels including beginner, novice and intermediate. In addition, at the introductory level, we offer a series of lessons on “how to play bridge.” These lessons are offered once or twice a year and are not appropriate for those who know how to play. If you want to learn the game, phone the club (860-953-3177) to get on a list to be notified the next time these lessons are offered. See our current offerings listed below.
This series of classes is designed to advance the play of emerging players. These classes are an extension of the Basic Bridge sessions taught by Laurie and Bill, but it’s open to all interested persons.
WHERE: The Hartford Bridge Club
WHEN: Thursdays, August 29-October 10
TIME: 7:00 – 9:00 P.M.
INSTRUCTORS: Laurie Robbins and Bill Watson
Thursday, August 29: "Sometimes you have to bid a minor.”
Minor suit responses to your partner’s opening bid.
Thursday, September 5: The Stayman Convention.
How to find a major suit fit when your partner opens 1NT.
Thursday, September 12: The Jacoby Transfer.
How to inform your partner that you have five or more cards in a major suit when he has opened 1NT.
Thursday, September 19: The 2NT Opening Bid.
How to inform your partner that you have a balanced hand containing 20-21 HCP. And, the appropriate responses to partner’s opener.
Thursday, September 26: The Negative Double.
Your partner opens the bidding in a minor suit and your RHO overcalls in a major suit. How to inform your partner that you have 6+ HCP and four of the other major suit.
Thursday, October 3: The Take Out Double.
Your opponent opens with the bid of a suit. How to inform your partner that you have 13+ HCP and support for the unbid suits.
Thursday, October 10: “Partner I don’t like your major suit opening bid but….”.
You have 6+HCP but fewer than three cards in your partner’s major suit. What are your bidding options?
The cost per session is $15.00 per person. You may choose to attend any or all of the sessions.
Pre-registration isn’t required, but is appreciated. Please call the club at (860) 953-3177 and leave a message for Laurie or Bill.
Regularly Scheduled Learning Opportunities:
Monday games at 1:30 pm are preceded by a lesson.
Tuesday evening 0-49 game at 6:30 is preceded by 15 minute mini-lesson that begins at 6:15.
Frank Merblum Reviews the Hands! Roughly once a month, on random Tuesdays as his schedule permits, one of our club's own, multiple-time national champion, Frank Merblum, reviews the hands played that morning. Be on the lookout for announcements for specific dates. Next review will be 12/3.
Thursday afternoon's game format is supervised novice.

Learn Bridge in a Day® Follow-up Course at HBC
Six Saturday Morning Sessions: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7 and 12/14 from 10:00 am to 12 noon. See complete syllabus below.
Instructors: Rowna Sutin and Linda Starr
Our beginner and advanced beginner classes have been revised to take into account what was presented at LBIAD. In Week One some of the material and concepts will necessarily be familiar to you, but we anticipate that the review will be helpful and new material will be introduced. In addition, time will be allocated for the play of hands in each session.
The cost of each session is $15. If you want to pay for all six sessions at Week One, the cost would be $80 (a $10 reduction.) Pay when you attend.
Note that this class is very unlikely to be given again until the spring. We try to avoid classes in the winter. We very much hope you can make it to these sessions. We have had 24 persons attending the Thursday night classes and they all seem to be enjoying them immensely. Please let us know at your earliest convenience whether you will be attending these Saturday morning classes.
One last note—if you know anyone who was unable to attend the Learn Bridge in a Day workshop but who wants to start playing bridge and may be interested in attending these Saturday morning classes, please have them contact Felix Springer at We will be running a special get up to speed session for these persons.
Thank you all again for making Learn Bridge in a Day such a special event and we look forward to seeing many of you at these Saturday morning classes.
Week 1 (11/2/19): The deck and the deal. Hand valuation. Bidding and scoring. Major suit opening bids and raises. One hour of play.
Week 2 (11/9/19): Review major suit opening and raises. No trump responses to major suit openings. New suit responses to major suit openings. Declarer and defender tips. One hour of play.
Week 3 (11/16/19): The 1 no trump opening bid and responses. Declarer and defender tips. One hour of play.
Week 4 (11/23/19): Minor suit openings and responses. Opener’s and responder’s second bids. One hour of play.
Week 4 (11/23/19): Minor suit openings and responses. Opener’s and responder’s second bids. One hour of play.
Week 5 (12/7/19): The no trump response to a minor suit opener. More on scoring. Definition of a slam bid. Vulnerable vs. non-vulnerable. Declarer tip. One hour of play.
Week 6 (12/14/19): Overcalls, responses and advances over the overcall. Defender and declarer tips. One hour of play.