New Online Lesson Series
For Non-Life Masters
(Advanced Beginner and Intermediate)
Begins February 8, 2024
WHEN: Thursdays, February 8, 2024 – March 14, 2024, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
COST: $15 for each individual class
$80 for the set of six lessons
INSTRUCTOR: Laurie Robbins
*Week 1: 2/08/2024
Defense: Keeping parity (i.e. keeping equal length as declarer in suits s/he may use for tricks)
Week 2: 2/15/2024
Defense: Which honor should you play?
Week 3: 2/22/2024
Declarer play: When to delay pulling trump
Week 4: 2/29/2024
Declarer play: Blocked suits and how to avoid them
Week 5: 3/07/2024
Bidding: Taking a preference
Week 6: 3/14/2024
Bidding: Jacoby 2NT and responses
*If any players miss the first lesson because they’re attending the Mansfield, MA Regional on February 8, that lesson will be repeated on a date/time TBD.
These lessons are designed for advanced beginer and intermediate players. Lessons will be online using Sharkbridge and Zoom. NOTE: You will need a desktop, laptop or tablet computer to participate. Each lesson will feature a one-hour (maximum) presentation and one hour or more for play. You do NOT need a partner to register for any of the lessons.
If you’ve never used Sharkbridge before, there will be a SHORT free practice session on Thursday, 2/01 at 7:00 PM. Please contact Laurie if you plan to attend this practice session.
To register and pay online for any sessions click: ONLINE REGISTRATION
To register and pay by mail or in person at the club use this form: MAIL-IN REGISTRATION